History & Members



The United Nations, the second times in this decade, recognized the importance of chemistry in our life and honored it by declaring 2019 as the International year of the Periodic Table (IYPT2019 at the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the Periodic Table. The first occured in 2011, the International Year of Chemisytry (IYC11).

Dr. Attila E. Pavláth, who was American Chemical Society President in 2001, created a colorful posters series, Technological Milestones in Chemistry (www.chemistryinyourlife.org) and used it for the celebration of IYC11 describing what chemistry contributes to our everyday life. He visualized a similar poster series for IYPT2019 and asked Prof. Csaba Janáky, Chairman of the Hungarian International Chemical Science Chapter of the ACS at University of Szeged, Hungary to convert the idea into reality. Prof. Janaky recruitedProf. Arwyn L. E. Smalley, Saint Martin's University, Lacey, Washington, USA, who at that time was a visitingFulbright Professor at the University of Szeged to give a communication course at the University of Szeged. Together they worked with 12 students of the University Szeged, Hungary develop this exhibit. This was created first in English but it is being translated worldwide to other languages. The translations will be uploaded to this webpage as they are completed.

Meet Our Team

As well as the students of the University of Szeged, Hungary (see picture at the top of the page)
Rita Achieng Akula ● Lilla Balassa ● János Börcsök ● Ayaallah Mohamed Dweny ● Anastasia Efremova ● Michael Emmanuel ● Krisztina Anna Karádi ● Emese Lantos ●  Nikolett Nagy ● Eszter Orbán ● Dániel Tanács ● Réka Zahorán
“If you'd like to add your thoughts about the exhibition, please send us your text using the Contact Us page.”
Patrick Sayegh, Web Design Freelancer
“If you'd like to add your thoughts about the exhibition, please send us your text using the Contact Us page.”
Patrick Sayegh, Web Design Freelancer
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